November 2021 Update

​It is easy to believe it’s already November when we see the pumpkins all around. Teaching about colors, shapes, seeds, harvest time, and weather change is easy as we look around. Let’s remember to encourage our children to express themselves at the table as we enjoy all the Lord has given us. Let’s count our blessings and enjoy new food of the season as sweet potatoes and collards. List the things you are grateful for. Who can we thank for what?

Have you ever tried rutabaga? Is it a seed or a root? What color is it?

Also, we would like to take a moment to share our gratitude for the work you do every day. Among your many duties, we bring healthy meals to children and adults across our state. Your work is challenging and vitally so important. You and your staff are the key ingredients in the recipe for successful food program operations. Thank u, thank u, thank u!!


Nov. 2 Election Day - Please plan to take time to voice your opinion by supporting those that will represent you and or children.

Nov. 25 - Have a great, blessed THANKSGIVING Day!

CACFP is a federal program that is administered by individual State agencies and contracted with sponsors of the program, to better the health of children and their families.  It provides expense reimbursements for eligible meals served to participants who meet age and income requirements in childcare & adult programs. CACFP Assistance & CBC helps childcare homes and centers serve well-balanced, nutritious meals and develop healthy habits in the children under their care. Meals served by participating providers must meet minimum guidelines, set by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), and sponsors help train and monitor facilities for compliance. Serving nutritious meals helps improve and maintain the health and nutritional status of children in day care and can help young children develop good eating and healthy habits.  To us, this should be a very important emphasis in early childcare learning and development.

Please contact CACFP Assistance & Childcare Business Consulting if you have any questions or we can help you in any way!

​The intent of the CACFP Assistance & CBC newsletter is to keep you informed of new policies or just what’s going on in the childcare business. In childcare “CHANGE” has been the main topic for sooo.. long.  It’s sooo… hard to keep up with the whirlwind! Maybe this will help in some way. 

​Call Glenn Kerley or Roxanna Kerley for the details and to schedule a visit.  

Phone: (703) 888-7727
Email :

This institution is an equal opportunity provider

Child Care and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) Sponsor

Beginning Visions participates in the CACFP as an Independent Center.  We encourage other care providers participate in the program.  Although we do not sponsor other child care facilities in the CACFP, we can put you in touch with a seperate non-profit corporation called CACFP Assistance & Childcare Business Consulting who serves as a Sponsor Organization for unaffiliated centers and day care homes.

Contact Us:

Healthier Food! Improve Food Operations!